Focus on Geriatric Psychiatry

JCP Special Section

To encourage scientific studies relating to the mental health of older adults, JCP is calling for submissions to the Focus on Geriatric Psychiatry, edited by Gary W. Small, MD, and Jordan F. Karp, MD. Topics of interest include late-life depression, memory disorders including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, grief, anxiety, resilience, and cognition. Manuscripts may address any biological, psychosocial, economic, or health services aspect of mental health in older adults, including preventive and lifestyle-related factors, care in nursing home settings, and end-of-life care. We invite high-quality research focusing on various treatment modalities, including pharmacologic treatment, psychotherapy, and complementary therapies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo the Journal’s usual editorial evaluation and peer review.

We encourage authors to submit papers for consideration as a part of our Focus on Geriatric Psychiatry section.

Submit to JCP

Section Editors

Jordan F. Karp, MD

Jordan F. Karp, MD

Boston, MA

Please contact Jordan F. Karp, MD, at [email protected]

Learn more about Dr Karp

Gary W. Small, MD

Gary W. Small, MD

Boston, MA

Recent Special Section Articles

Clinical Index to Discriminate Between MCI and Mild Dementia
Effects of a Multicomponent Intervention for Older Adults at Risk of Dementia
THC for Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia
Delirium and Mortality in COVID-19 Patients
Social Support and Symptoms of PTSD
Young-Adult Social Outcomes of ADHD
Remission of Psychotic Late-Life Depression Following ECT
Treatment Resistance in Late-Onset MDD
Cognitive Trajectories of MBI
Hallucinations and Delusions With Dementia in LTC