Focus on Psychosis

Section Editor
Ann K. Shinn, MD, MPH

The objective of the Focus on Psychosis section is to promote scientific research that impacts the clinical care of individuals with psychotic disorders and related conditions. Topics may pertain to conditions across the continuum of psychosis (eg, disorders in the schizophrenia spectrum or psychosis in mood and other psychiatric disorders) and at any stage of illness (eg, high-risk, first-episode, chronic, and in recovery). We are especially interested in high-quality manuscripts describing well-designed and well-conducted studies relating to pharmacologic, somatic, psychosocial, cognitive, and complementary therapies. While basic and translational research studies in psychosis are not the focus of the journal, we strongly welcome studies that incorporate biological measures as a clinical outcome and/or that elucidate biological mechanisms associated with specific clinical outcomes.

Please contact Ann K. Shinn, MD, MPH, at [email protected].

We encourage authors to submit papers for consideration as a part of our Focus on Psychosis section.

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Recent Special Section Articles

Aripiprazole Lauroxil Initiation Regimens
Emotional Neglect and Inflammatory Ratios in First-Episode Psychosis
Concomitant LAIs and Time to Rehospitalization in Patients Receiving Clozapine
Clozapine Use and Specific Indications
Severity of Antipsychotic-Induced Cervical Dystonia by Algorithm-Based Rating System
Excess Mortality Associated With Schizophrenia
Inflammatory Features in Prodromal Psychosis
Generalizability of RCTs in First-Episode Schizophrenia
Neighborhood Vulnerability in First-Episode Psychosis
Predictors for Initiation of LAIs in Individuals With Early-Phase Schizophrenia
Antipsychotic Dose and Weight Gain
Telehealth of CSC in Early Psychosis During COVID-19